

Debate motion (10/20)


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Topic 1:

This House Prefers the world in which all individuals know their length of life.
The length of life is delimited not only by natural deaths but also by unexpected ones caused by the likes of accidents, murders, etc


Topic 2:

This House Would legalize homeschooling.
Homeschooling is defined as a system where the parents take responsibility over the education of their children instead of the school. It is different from a system where the parents temporarily educate their children on behalf of the school under circumstances where the child is unable to attend school.


Topic 3:

This House Would legalize surrogacy for profits.


Topic 4:

This House Would prohibit corporations from accessing the criminal records of their job applicants.


Topic 5:

This House Believe That schools should put students into classes according to their academic ability from the early stage of education.