

Debate motion (11/9)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Would negative campaigning in political elections.


Topic 2:

This House Would ban hate speech.


Topic 3:

This House Would nationalize the porn industry.

Topic 4:

This House Believe That developed countries should not accept skilled migrants from developing countries.


Topic 5:

This House Believe That when dating for the first time, it is better to date with someone with a lot of dating experience than who has never dated before.