

Debate motion (10/20)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Prefers the world in which all individuals know their length of life.
The length of life is delimited not only by natural deaths but also by unexpected ones caused by the likes of accidents, murders, etc


Topic 2:

This House Would legalize homeschooling.
Homeschooling is defined as a system where the parents take responsibility over the education of their children instead of the school. It is different from a system where the parents temporarily educate their children on behalf of the school under circumstances where the child is unable to attend school.


Topic 3:

This House Would legalize surrogacy for profits.


Topic 4:

This House Would prohibit corporations from accessing the criminal records of their job applicants.


Topic 5:

This House Believe That schools should put students into classes according to their academic ability from the early stage of education.



Debate motion (10/17)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Would mandate both parents to take equal length of maternity and paternity leaves.


Topic 2:

This House opposes the excessive social trend of criticizing beauty/fashion brands that emphasize femininity/masculinity.


Topic 3:

This House Would ban all porngraphy.


Topic 4:

This House Would replace human judges with robot judges in trials.


Topic 5:

Where resources are significantly limited, This House Believe That states should actively promote religion in areas of high poverty.



Debate motion (10/15)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Beliece That opinion polls do more harm than good for democracy.


Topic 2:

This House Would abolish plea-bargaining.


Topic 3:

This House Would ban all political lobbying.


Topic 4:

This House Would provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services rather than cash payments.


Topic 5:

This House Beliece That developing country should not host international sporting events.



Debate motion (10/12)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Would ban child beauty contests.


Topic 2:

This House Would never bail out big failing companies.


Topic 3:

This House Would ban animal experiments.


Topic 4:

This House Would legalize surrogacy for profit.
Surrogacy is a method or agreement whereby a woman agrees to carry a pregnancy for another person or persons, who will besome the newborn child’s parent(s) after birth. It is currently taking place mainly in developing countries, such as in Southeast Asia, South Asia and Latin America.


Topic 5:

This House Beliece That medeia should not report the news on suicide (including but not limited to one by famous individuals).



Debate motion (10/10)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Would criminalize the payment of ransom to terrorist groups.


Topic 2:

In countries where abortion is legal, This House Would ban the use of technology to check whether the fetuses have disability or not.


Topic 3:

This House Would ban all porngraphy.


Topic 4:

This House Would legalize active euthanasia for anyone who wishes to die (not limited to terminally ill patients).


Topic 5:

This House Would cut subsidy of schools that have high rates of bullying incidents.



Debate motion (10/5)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Would establish exclusive schools for the LGBTQ.


Topic 2:

This House Believe That Japan should actively attract and accept mass immigration.


Topic 3:

This House Would give more votes to the young.


Topic 4:

In case of a life-threatening illness or injury, This House Would NOT allow parents to deny medical treatment to their children on religious grounds


Topic 5:

This House Would introduce a female quota for executive board of companies.



Debate motion (10/2)


賛成意見と反対意見でそれぞれどんな内容の議論ができるのか、何のために(Why)、誰のために(Who)、なにをして(What)、どんな影響(メリット / デメリット)があるのか(How)、5W1Hを意識してブレインストーミングをしてみてください。



Topic 1:

This House Would offer dictators immunity in return for leaving power.


Topic 2:

This House supports the usage of violence by environmental campaign groups to achieve their goals.


Topic 3:

This House Would abolish labor unions and labor protections during times of economic crisis.


Topic 4:

This House Would ban animal experiments.


Topic 5:

This House prefers a world without religion.